

So here are a few versions of Boyd that we started off with. He is a very “Archie Bunker” type of character. We really wanted to give contrast to Mock, so we started to lean more towards having Boyd really stubby in design.


Dan said...

Oh wow, all this stuff is looking super solid. Great work guys, can't wait to see the finished product. Seems to all be really coming together, good luck!

Vhrsti said...

Great characters I love them!

GeeBee said...

Alfred Hitchcock birds revised by Chuck Jones !
Excellent designs !!

Ken Chandler said...

The second bird from the left, top row, is my favorite. Great assortment though. Really excellent sketches!

David Germain said...

So, if Mock is Archie Bunker that would mean that Boyd is Meathead. Or Edith maybe. Sounds like a fun project.

Enrique Fernandez said...

This is great! Really fun and attractive designs, congrats!

Boris Andreev said...

Hey guys, your line work is really great! Good characters :o)
All the best!

Andrew Glazebrook said...

Super characters !! Very nicely done, nice Blog too !!!

Ken Turner said...

Awesome stuff!!

Philip Dimitriadis said...

More great designs!!! ...keep up the good work!!!